Hard Disk Drive Printed Circuit Boards

Western Digital
How to find the Hard Drive PCB that matches your Western Digital Hard Drive ?
- Note the Western Digital HDD PCB number as shown in red on the picture (usually WD PCB Numbers start with "2060-" and finish with "REV X"
- Start a search with this number without the version number ("REV X")
Is the swap 1.simple 2.technical 3.reserved for professionals ?
Western Digital has 2 types of PCBs.
Type 2 HDD board has an 8-legged BIOS chip that must be swapped. See How To Swap HDD PCBs
Type 3 hard disk drive PCB has a missing chip, and PCB firmware is stored in the big Controller Chip. That chip can be reprogrammed or transferred by a professional with a BGA Rework Station.
For each PCB, we specify if there is a BIOS chip or not. In addition this BIOS chip is shown in the picture.